Teen Leadership
For Teens 13-15yo – $510/session
The Teen Leadership program is an incredible opportunity for teens to learn about personal responsibility, citizenship, and leadership. Each group will participate in a facilitated morning discussion focused on the session’s themes. Teens will also learn about the Paradise Farm Camps community and will assist in the planning, preparation, and production of our end of session camp-wide activity.
*To be eligible for our reduced rates, your family’s registration must be completed and all fees paid in full within 30 days.
*Only Overnight Sessions Available Weeks 3 & 8*
Off Site Trips
Throughout the summer teens are given the opportunity to apply lessons learned throughout the week, as they engage in interactive field trips. Each field trip has been chosen to either develop, strengthen, or challenge each teen in the areas of personal accountability, problem solving, critical thinking, personal responsibility, citizenship, self worth and creativity.
Service Projects
The Teen Leadership Program prides itself on giving back, therefore service projects have continuously played a pivotal role within the Teen Leadership Program. Through onsite service projects, teens begin the process of learning how to make true positive change and become stewards not only at camp, but within their households and communities.
Leadership Discussion
Each week the teens will participate in a leadership discussion around the leadership trait of the week. Past traits have included things like: competence, integrity, empathy, dependability, and creativity.
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